Friday, March 03, 2006



The end of week eight. Lots of work. Another meeting with a visiting writer and potential hire, Anthony Giardina. It went fine, the reading was good. I'll be taking him to see Laguna Beach tomorrow since no one else was around to drive him. So that's cool, I've had lots of time over the last few weeks to hang with writers, which is nice.

I have to write an introduction for my seminar paper, which, thankfully is part of a story I already handed in this quarter. Plus, I have to finish the interview with Brad and transcribe the damn thing which'll take forever. But I sat with him Tuesday and he told me lots of good stuff about his work and so that should come out nicely.

Then I have this 4C's narrative to finish, plus I'm still working on my draft for next quarter, and well, I think it's going to be a fiction piece, like real fiction, not autobiographical and actually it scares me to write like that, the way it scares some of my classmates to share autobiographical work. My fear is that it will come out flat and fake. I never have that problem when I write from memory--I know it's real and has heart and I trust why I'm writing it. But I think I should be using this time practicing fiction, trying things I don't know how to do and see if they work or not.

I haven't been to the gym all quarter and feel fat.

I went to a nice production of Orpheus Descending tonight, directed by Amanda McCraven, one of the MFA director students. The play went well, the lead actor was awesome.

I have a weekend of grading crappy 39C research papers. God so tedious. I thought about telling my class I wasn't feeling well tonight and sending them home, but instead I just got through it.

This post has no particular point, in case you hadn't noticed.

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